Monday, June 27, 2011

The 9th Month & My Final Pregnancy Update

I'm so happy to report on what will be my final pregnancy update...Daph and I have been trying to prepare for the arrival of our son. It seems as though, just when we think we're done, there's still so much more to do. I've been feeling a lot more useful these days. Several weeks back my Dr. pushed the baby down lower in my belly, albeit unintentionally, during an exam. This gave me immediate relief. Before then I was in the worst pain I've experienced my entire pregnancy for weeks. And I've endured a lot of pain these past 8 plus months!

One of the complications being pregnant with huge uterine tumors (fibroids) caused me was the baby was higher in my body than a baby should be for most of my pregnancy, a result of trying to find enough space to grow. Incidentally, your organs being crushed, feels exactly like one might imagine it would. I would have endured that and much more for much longer only to know he was safe inside of me.

During my last visit to the Dr. I was informed that the baby is ready, he's no longer breech, and I could go into labor at any time and it would be fine. My body has already begun the process of labor. A month before my due date, this was a surprise. I was just getting used to relishing the joy of pregnancy sans the fear and worry and pain that beleaguered me up until just weeks before then. Even though I have bouts of extreme fatigue, contrarily, I also have sudden bursts of energy which allow me to walk around the city, go out to eat, dance... I even made a pie!

I gained a 1/2 lb. which brings my total weight gain during pregnancy to a 1/2 lb. (this, after losing 13), but I can feel how much bigger and heavier the baby is. He no longer has the space to move. And as my grandmother says, 'You can see my belly come around the corner five minutes before I do.'

The time is literally flying by, so I don't suffer from any of those last weeks' 'Oh, I just want to get this over with already' gripes I was told I could anticipate feeling. I love being pregnant. In fact, I'll be quite sad when I no longer am. I'm thrilled that all the dreaming and wondering about what it will be like, what he'll be like, is a time soon to come. And I'm reconciling that with the fact that he'll no longer be just "mine"; In my belly, connected to me, kicking, punching, turning in ways that only I can feel.

His Dad and I are overwhelmed with a flurry of emotion as we nervously enjoy these final hours, days or weeks until we meet our little cub. Thank you all for your continued and endless support through this entire journey.

--With Love, Ree

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time of the Season & Raspberry Sorbet

Raspberries are back! I look forward to raspberry season, increasingly fleeting as it is, every year. It seems as though we had to wait a bit longer for the crops to come in and the benefit and availability to reach the fruit and vegetable market where I stock up on all my favorite summer fruits and veggies...cheaply. Fast approaching the end of my pregnancy, nearly 8 and 1/2 months, it's hard to find the stamina and drive to walk there in the heat, but yesterday, Daph (my husband), was sweet enough to take care of all of the shopping for me--Something he's been doing nearly all of lately. It's also hard to cook and bake, make everything look pretty and photograph all of it, too, but when I came across this simple and refreshing recipe for raspberry sorbet, I couldn't resist. I just adore fresh fruit sorbet during the warmer months. Just like last year's Watermelon Sorbet , this has easily made its way into seasonal rotation as a light treat I can get excited about.

Raspberry Sorbet
Recipe courtesy and adapted from Paula Deen


•1 & 1/4 cups sugar (taste for sweetness after adding corn syrup and add more sugar if desired)
•2 cups water
•2 quarts raspberries, hulled and sliced
•Pinch of lime zest
•1/4 cup fresh lime juice
•1/2 cup white corn syrup


Add 2 cups of water and sugar, plus lime zest to medium saucepan and cook over medium-high heat until boiled. Once boiled, simmer mixture of low heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Approximately 3 minutes. Do not stir. Remove pan from heat and allow to cool completely.

Add raspberries and lime juice to food processor. Mix until completely pureed. Transfer liquid mixture to strainer placed inside of bowl to remove seeds. You may have to press the mixture in strainer to push liquid through. I had to repeat process three times to completely remove seeds. It's worth it! Pour completely cooled simple syrup mixture into bowl with raspberry puree, add in corn syrup and stir well, until completely combined.

Carefully pour raspberry mixture into ice cream maker and churn according to your machine's directions. Sorbet will be soft when done but get firm in the freezer. Transfer sorbet mixture to freezer safe bowl and freeze until firm.

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